2295 Flint Group Launches Premonova
Flint Group announces the PremoNova® series of inks to customers in Europe, Africa, and in the Middle East (EMEA)
Flint Group is pleased to announce the launch of the new generation of water-based ink technology PremoNova® - a revolutionary concept dedicated for Paper & Board applications. PremoNova® technology is a significant development providing the highest quality product performance ever seen - raising the bar for the water-based ink industry.
Through a focused collaboration with leading raw material suppliers and print machine manufactures, Flint Group has developed a full range of regulatory compliant products which are a shining example of Flint Group’s continuous commitment to providing innovative solutions and supporting the increasing demands in the packaging industry.
PremoNova® is the next generation of our well established, high performing, Premo® IQ range; further developed and optimised to fulfil, and even exceed, the demands of our customers, brand owners, and the packaging regulations of today and into the future.
PremoNova® fulfils regulatory needs and future compliance requirements
It is beyond any doubt that a change is coming to the ink industry. New regulations are constantly developing - growing demands to fulfil and deliver products in accordance to Swiss ordinance and prepared for the upcoming German ink ordinance. Furthermore, EuPIA have strict guidelines on GMP and REACH has to be complied with. All these aspects were taken into consideration in the development of PremoNova®.
The focus on regulatory compliance and low migration requirements for food packaging has become more important for the packaging industry.
Kari Raassina, Product Director Paper & Board Europe Middle East and Africa explains, “To prepare our water-based inks for this ever escalating level of requirements, we made sure that we understood our customers’ and brand owners’ future challenges and needs. The aim was to make a product range that fulfils any current regulatory requirements and also is safeguarded for the future! PremoNova® is developed with a strong focus to deliver these needs within the EMEA, such as enabling low migration, regulatory compliance, full traceability, sustainability and flexibility to optimise for each application.”
Enhanced press stability and print quality
PremoNova® is a robust, reliable, high performance ink with outstanding results, offering improved print quality and consistency. PremoNova® is manufactured by using the latest grinding technology, optimised in colour development, providing the best output and uptime in our customers’ converting line.
PremoNova® is specifically designed to deliver multiple benefits
- The most suitable WB ink for food packaging – with special focus on migration limits tested, proven and documented;
- Fulfils regulatory requirements;
- Excellent printing press stability - non-stop printing;
- Superior performance - High speed and high resolution printing;
- Low maintenance – optimised productivity;
- Building block technology - maximised formulation flexibility and economy.
PremoNova® is formulated to cover the needs and demands of our customers and brand owners while exceeding the regulatory requirements. – Welcome to the future!