2675 Flint Group Is Pleased To Announce The Launch Of Flexocure ANCORA 50 UV Flexo Inks Tailored For Food Labels And Short Run Packaging Applications
Flint Group is pleased to announce the launch of Flexocure® ANCORA 50 – UV flexo inks tailored for food labels and short run packaging applications
Trelleborg, Sweden, June, 2015: Flint Group announces the launch of Flexocure ANCORA 50 – low migration UV flexo inks for food labels and certain flexible packaging applications.
“Flint Group is very pleased to globally launch Flexocure ANCORA 50,” states Guillaume Clement - Vice President Global Narrow Web for Flint Group. He continues, “With the introduction of Flexocure ANCORA 50 we are expanding our portfolio of dedicated inks to suit the growing world of short run label and packaging applications. This ink series is specially designed to support converters who print labels for the food segment.”
He continues, “Flexocure ANCORA 50 meets some specific packaging applications where low migration inks are required. It complements our existing UV flexo low migration ink series, Flexocure ANCORA, and our UV offset, Lithocure® ANCORA – both dedicated to the most stringent food packaging applications. ‘ANCORA’ becomes a comprehensive umbrella and a point of reference for customers looking for high quality and compliant low migration inks with a great efficiency on press”.
Mr. Clement concludes, “Flexocure ANCORA 50 is definitely a new milestone in the Flint Group Narrow Web successful innovation path.”
Dr Patrick Gavelin Director of Product Development EMEA & Asia explains, “Flexocure ANCORA 50 has been developed to meet the modern demands of our industry today without jeopardising legislation in place for food safety. But, in all regulations it has not been totally clear on what end use the so called ‘low migration technology’ can be used. Nor was it necessary to specify this. With Flexocure ANCORA 50 this becomes very clear.”
Flint Group reports that Flexocure ANCORA 50 is a UV flexo low migration ink for food labels and certain flexible packaging applications and is fully compliant to Swiss Ordinance SR 817.023.21 listing and to the Nestlé Guidance Note on Packaging inks (version 3, Feb 21 2014). These inks have been thoroughly tested and have proven to pass migration tests, exposed to the below stated Food simulants listed in Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 (Plastics Regulation):
- Food simulant E: Tenax (MPPO)
- Food simulant B: 3% Acetic acid
- Food simulant D1: 50% Ethanol.”
Dr. Gavelin elaborates on this, “By developing a product that meets 10 ppb migration demands using the food simulants noted, we actually cover a wide area of food and drink labels and packaging applications. Of course, other factors, such as print design, packaging material used, and also the packed food storage conditions, all have an impact on determining the final packaging’s suitability for respective applications. But, with Flexocure ANCORA 50, we can provide a product that enables printers to comply fully and meet the demands of the industry.”
Mr. Par Olsson, Product Manager Narrow Web EMEA, comments, “Not only have we designed a UV flexo ink range that is fulfilling migration demands; parallel to this, we have used our research competencies in ensuring press performance remains unrivaled – with the highest possible cure response, high colour strength, very good adhesion to a wide range of both flexible packaging, filmic, and paper label materials. With the superb overall performance of Flexocure ANCORA 50, this will be a massive productivity boost for any narrow and mid web converter.”
To support the global launch of Flexocure ANCORA 50, Flint Group also announces that a comprehensive investment plan has been completed to ensure an increased production capacity with full GMP systems in place.
For further information, please contact us via info.narrowweb@flintgrp.com.