Cleaners & Rejuvenators for News Print Applications

Cleaners and Rejuvenators for News Print

Liquid acidic deglazer for removing calcium only from rollers and blankets. Must be rinsed off with water.
Roller rejuvenator and deep cleaner.
Paste roller deglazer. Contains mild particulates to provide additional cleaning power.
Fast evaporating dampener and metering roller cleaner. Free from chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Plate cleaner, desensitiser and storage gum, for short and long term protection.
Heavy duty plate cleaner with abrasives. Care must be taken on unbaked plates.
General purpose plate cleaner/desensitiser, can be sprayed onto dampening system whilst press is running.
Concentrated alkaline non foaming, fount systems cleaner to remove impurities, bacterial/fungal growth from recirculating systems.
General purpose shop cleaner/degreaser for floors, guards and press side frames. Dilutable up to 1 part to 9 parts water for general cleaning.

Is your press running to its potential?

Regular preventative press maintenance is often the most overlooked factor in relation to producing quality offset printing consistently.

Without a scheduled roller and blanket maintenance programme, you could struggle to achieve the quality standards that you need to compete.

Download the Varn Press Maintenance Programme now to see how you could make improvements.

News Print Product Guide

Download our product overview containing our complete portfolio for News Print applications; ink, pressroom chemicals, blankets and sleeves.

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