Metalback Blankets for Web Offset Applications

Metalback Blankets for Web Offset Applications

Flint Group's dayGraphica® metalback blankets can meet all your Web Offset printing needs. Our products offer unequaled durability and performance. Make sure to ask about our new DuraBond™ technology to benefit from the new industry standard in blanket-carcass bonding.

Built with innovative DuraBond technology, these metalback blankets offer greatly improved delamination resistance and durability on double around blanket-to-blanket newspaper presses.

Built with innovative DuraBond technology, these metalback blankets offer greatly improved delamination resistance and durability on double around blanket-to-blanket newspaper presses.

Metal backed blanket designed to give high quality and controlled feed/power consumption on CIC newspaper presses.

Built with innovative DuraBond technology, these metalback blankets offer greatly improved delamination resistance and durability on single around newspaper presses.

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