UV Offset Products for Sheetfed Food Packaging Printing

Food Packaging - UV


Next generation UV Low Migration series for food packaging printing Sheetfed and web offset applications for paper and board absorbent substrates.

Next generation UV Low Migration series for food packaging printing Sheetfed and web offset applications for paper, board and non - absorbent substrates.


Low migration and low odour varnish.

Low odour and low migration UV Varnish for coated papers and boards for packaging.

Low odour and low migration UV Varnish for coated papers and boards for packaging.


Specially formulated for sensitive food packaging applications, where there is no direct contact between the printed image and the contents of the package.


A low toxic, low swell roller and blanket cleaner especially designed for UV inks.


The combination of the latest technology in UV resistant surface polymers with class leading carcass construction. Feedback is consistent; solids are rich and even while dot gain in the 40 to 60% screen range is low, giving natural flesh tones and a visible crispness to the printed image.

To learn more about...

Sheetfed Food Packaging - A Guide to Best Practice

Food Packaging A Guide To Best Practice For Sheetfed Offset Print

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